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Turkey Avoburger

Turkey Avoburger Recipe

Recipe by Delphine Remy

Yields: 1 serving | Total time: 10 minutes

No more unhealthy buns but creamy and delicious avobuns!


  • 1 romaine leaf
  • 1 slice red onion
  • Juice of ¼ lime
  • 3 slices of turkey ham
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 slice of tomato
  • 2-3 tablespoon hummus
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Slice the red onion (you only need one slice) and the tomato (you need 2 slices)
  • Cut and pit the avocado. Scoop out the avocado very gently to have perfect avobuns!
  • Squeeze the lime on each avobun to prevent oxidation.
  • Fill each half with a generous tablespoon of hummus
  • Put 2 slices of tomato on a half and desired amount turkey on the other half
  • Add desired amount of red onion and lettuce and assemble the delicious burger with a cute skewer 
Turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan that promotes better sleep. It is high in protein and helps with weight management.
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